Очередной Омский алгебраический вебинар состоится 18 ноября

18 ноября в 19:00 по новосибирскому времени (18:00 по омскому, 15:00 по московскому) пройдёт семинар Омского филиала Математического центра в Академгородке №227. С докладом «Rich algebraic structures and weak second order logic» выступит Алексей Мясников (Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA).

"What can be described by first-order formulas in a given algebraic structure A?" — an old and interest question. Of course, much depends on the structure A. For example, in a free
group, only cyclic subgroups (and the group itself) are definable in the first order logic, but in a free monoid of finite rank we can define any finitely generated submonoid. An algebraic structure A is called rich if the first order logic in A is equivalent to weak second order logic. 

Surprising but there are many interesting groups, rings, and semigroups that are rich. I will talk about some of them, and then I will describe various algebraic, geometric and algorithmic
properties that we able to describe by formulas in these systems. 

Weak second order logic can be presented in algebraic systems in different ways: through HF-logic, or list superstructures over A, or recursively enumerable (arithmetic) infinite disjunctions and conjunctions, or via finite binary predicates, etc. I will describe some particular form of this logic that is especially convenient for use in algebra, and show how to effectively translate such weak second-order formulas into equivalent first-order formulas in the case of a rich structure A.
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