Следующий семинар «Beijing-Novosibirsk seminar on geometry and mathematical physics» пройдёт 31 марта

Математический центр в Академгородке приглашает вас принять участие в работе интернет-семинара «Beijing-Novosibirsk seminar on geometry and mathematical physics».
Руководители семинара: А. Е. Миронов, И. А. Тайманов, Хуйцзюнь Фань, Юджин Чжан.

Семинар состоится 31 марта в 16:00 по новосибирскому времени (12:00 по московскому). 

Профессор Александр Буряк (НИУ ВШЭ, Москва) выступит с докладом «An explicit formula for the full Gromov-Witten potential of an elliptic curve».
A algorithm to determine all the Gromov-Witten (GW) invariants of any smooth projective curve was obtained by Okounkov and Pandharipande in 2006. They identified stationary invariants with certain Hurwitz numbers and then presented Virasoro type constraints that allow to determine all the other GW invariants (containing insertions fr om the unit and odd cohomology classes of the target curve) in terms of the stationary ones. In the case of an elliptic curve, I will show that these Virasoro constraints can be explicitly solved leading to a very explicit formula for the full GW potential in terms of the stationary invariants. In particular, this implies that the Dubrovin-Zhang hierarchy for the elliptic curve is Miura equivalent to its dispersionless lim it.
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